We have started a fundraiser to accomplish our dreams of growing our family. We have handed out baby bottles and asked those that participate to fill the bottle with whatever gift they feel led to do. If you are not in our area and would like to contribute, you may use the PayPal Donate button or send us your gift directly. You will never truly know how much you all mean to us! Here is what was attatched to each bottle:
Thank you so much for wanting to help us on our journey to grow our family! As most of you know, Paul and I delivered McKenzie Renae, our beautiful baby girl, on August 29, 2007. Shortly after the normal delivery there were complications. In order to save my life they had to remove my uterus. There were ups and downs while coping with this fact. However, with a husband whose faith never waivered, we have overcome the fear and reality of never having our own children again. Thanks to today’s technology and an unbelievably wonderful family, Paul and I will be able to have more of our own children through IVF with a gestational carrier. Kari and Jon Wanberg are truly an example of God’s love and miracles!! I have deemed her “Kari the Carrier.” The entire process, from start to finish, will cost anywhere from $30-40,000. In numbers, this seems like a lot, but with God, this is merely a drop in the bucket (or bottle)! Please take this bottle and put it in a place that you will not forget about. As you collect loose change or big moolah just store it in the bottle. In about a month’s time we will recollect them. Please note that money is not the only factor. We need your prayers and love and support. This journey will be awesome, and we are glad you are a part of it!
We have a special place that you can go to peek in on our story and its success. It is always good to be able to SEE what God is doing!
Visit http://www.millerwanbergivf.blogspot.com/ whenever you can.
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