On Monday morning (Feb.22), we loaded up into Jake and Rachel’s SUV and went by to pick up Kari. We all talked and laughed on the way to the clinic. I guess I was a little nervous, because even though we were running late for our appointment we had to stop so I could use the restroom :) (sorry if that was TMI). We got back on the road and surprisingly made it on time to the clinic. It must have looked so funny to see all of us pile out of the car and use the front door
as a photo opportunity, but if you know me at all, you know that I am a picture taking fool. Even though we knew it would only be a blood draw appointment (which would only take about 10 minutes at the clinic and wouldn’t even tell us the result right away) we all wanted to go. Kari seemed very nervous while we waited and I must admit, every time the nurse opened the door to call someone back, my stomach dropped. Finally, it was our turn. All of the nurses were so sweet and told us how excited they were for us, they drew her blood and that was it…We were getting ready to leave and Kari and I had been discussing if we were going to take one of the at-home pregnancy tests. Secretly, we decided to pee on the stick before we left the office. We waited and
waited only to see that the stick read “NOT PREGNANT.” The two of us were somewhat silent as we gathered our crew and got back in the car. Even though we didn’t know the final outcome and we wanted so badly to hang on to the hope that the pee test was wrong, we spoke our sentiments over text messages in the car ride. It was too difficult to speak out loud in the car. It felt like a moment meant just for Kari and me. Our tone was somewhat comical though, considering the circumstance.

The nurse on the other end asked me how I was doing and I said “good?” thinking that it was some sort of signal that everything turned out ok. She put the doctor on and all he said was, “I’m sorry, it’s not good news.” I was silent. I couldn’t speak. The car was silent and I couldn’t hold it back any longer. The tears started falling and the doctor asked if I had any questions and all I could think was OF COURSE I DO, BUT THIS LUMP IN MY THROAT WON’T LET ME ASK! I was sort of angry at this, but I know it was just my emotions getting the best of me. It stinks to be told “NO” about anything. I felt bad for our friends that had to endure the sound of sniffling as we drove the last leg of our trip, but thankful for the support they gave us. Even though you try to prepare yourself for the “what if,” you are never fully prepared.
Kari says, let’s get this show on the road! I love that girl! I only hope that everyone can find a friend like her in their lifetime. I am ready to get the show on the road too, but I never did call the doctor back with my questions. Like I said before, it has been a VERY busy couple of weeks. I’m thinking on Monday, March 15 I should have a chance to call and speak with him. I know that we have to set up another consultation to address everything that went on and what changes we may make for the next time. Since we weren’t able to freeze any embryos we are going to have to start from scratch…meaning we will probably have to pay the entire IVF fee again ($10,556 just for the IVF, not including the medication or pretests). I am hoping for miraculous things and since we have already experienced a miracle in finances for the first time, there is no reason not to expect it this time too. Paul has always said that the money is the easy part!
I wish I had better news to share, but…..maybe next time. I’ll update everything when I talk to the doctor.